Friday, April 1, 2011

Every good thing must come to an end

WOW! It has been 1 year since I began writing on this blog. One year since my journey as Miss Teen Massachusetts- World began & my life quickly transformed from normal teenage high school student to the crazy, hectic, and wonderful life of a Massachusetts title holder. Reflecting back on everything I have experienced makes me realize how fortunate I am to have had life offer me this opportunity. I have met so many people, organizations, new friends, new family, and new memories that have forever shaped me & built me from a teenager to a young lady.

It just doesn't seem right leaving my reign without reminiscing about my year & everything I have accomplished with the most amazing people by my side.. so here it goes.

Favorite Appearance: This is a tough one because there has been SO many that have been incredible for different purposes. Volunteering at the Special Olympics last June taught me about a wonderful organization I have fallen so deeply in love with. Luckily a few weeks ago, I got the chance to volunteer yet again for a Special Olympics dance. Whether it was dancing with the athletes, chatting, or posing for pictures; they have shown me the meaning of living every day to it's potential. Fortunately, Miss Massachusetts Teen USA, and a good friend of mine Kay Tetrault asked me to participate in the Audi Best Buddies challenge with her this June. I LOVE these two organizations from the bottom of my heart, and just because my reign is ending doesn't mean my community involvement is!

Other then that, this year had given me the opportunity to build my platform, epilepsy awareness. My sophomore year in high school I was diagnosed with this disease, and after discovering I couldn't allow it to conquer me, I realized what I needed to do in order to spread awareness & funds. This year has given me the tools I needed to raise money for The American Epilepsy Outreach Foundation & become their ambassador for Massachusetts. I will never forget the week of full of fundraising I had the opportunity to do in my own town with the help of my amazing sister queens Christine & Julia & somebody who has turned into such a great role model and friend, Jack Villamaino. I'm not with epilepsy, & will not stop until it receives the national awareness it needs & deserves. MAO.. here I come! ;)

As for my other appearances, I must say nothing was cooler then riding in parades with my sister queens by my side and getting a round full of applause while hearing faint "mommy look! a princess!" in the crowd. Or getting the chance to meet the New England Patriots & Adam Lambert! (Thank you Pro FM radio & Barbi Jo!) From meeting people to serve out country at the Air Show to participating in The Amazing Wish Race with other New England beauty queens, I have seen and done so much. These appearances are so much more then I could have ever expected and have let me develop on both a personal and social level.

The people I have gotten to met: Where to even begin - Debbi, Jane, Dana, Sydney, Christine, Julia, Anita, Christina, Monique, Brooke, Lindsay, Jasmine, Michelle, Keith, Jocelynn, Jack, Juilette, Bob, Dan, ect. ect. ect. (I'm thinking off the VERY top of my head.) THANK YOU! Every single person I have met has truly impacted me in more ways then one. Love all of you so so much!

Nationals! Ahh, what a crazy experience. This was truly the icing on the cake of being Miss Teen MA- World. Traveling to Houston, Texas (my second time on a plane, thanks for putting up with squeezing my hand Dana! ;) is such a memory. I met SO many absolutely beautiful girls in all of the states who I know all have amazing futures that lie ahead. Nationals was an unforgettable week that I will always cherish. Thank you Gaspar & the Miss Teen World organization for making the week so extravagant!

For the last time ever, thank you for reading my blog. Your support through this year has meant so much to me & I promise this is not the last you will hear of or see me. As for the future, the possibilities are endless, and there is so much in store for me. For a few updates, I hope to be transferring to Emerson College in Boston for my sophomore year. As for community service, I plan on the Best Buddies challenge this June, more epilepsy fundraisers, and a Relay for Life in June to support the amazing Jane Marshall! & as for pageant, Miss America Organization.. here I come! This is not the end for me, because when one door closes, another is always opening.

Thank you, thank you, thank you; for everyone's love & support! & for the girl who is crowned tomorrow - buckle up that seat belt, you are in for the absolute ride of your life!

-Your Miss Teen Massachusetts- World 2010
Tamara Sacharczyk! xoxo

PS: Anyone who would like to sponsor me for the Best Buddies Challenge, my goal is to raise $1650! PLEASE send an email to & I will direct you the rest of the way. It's a 20 mile bike ride and I will be a part of the team pedaling princesses! Your donations will mean so much to only me, but every child's who life you are giving to!