Being back home for break feels absolutely incredible. Although I am in love with college, who would have thought that being surrounded my family and old friends could feel better? While leaving this semester with a 4.0, I was definitely ready for a break and to concentrate on my duties as Miss Teen Massachusetts- World.
I got to spend New Years Eve with my pageant family participating in an appearance. It took place at the Rhode Island Convention Center and was a masquerade ball. Along with Dana Buitta, we held a booth for the Free Your Mind Foundation. This foundation is based around anti bullying is now allowed to go school to school educating our adolescents on the danger of bullying. As the clock stuck 12 reality hit to what an amazing year 2010 has been to me. Being the reigning queen for Massachusetts brought more happiness then the memories of ten years put together. It has also more then anything inspired me to make the most out of every year that follows after it. I have so dreams and goals and although this title has definitely knocked more then a few out of the way, I still have so many accomplishments and challenged to look forward to. So here's to new beginnings, new memories, and another year full of making dreams come true. After all, we only live once right? We might as well do it right!
I have only two months left of my reign, which feels completely imaginary. I cannot believe that almost a year ago I was given this blessing and put on a roller coaster full of adventures. The brochures are being sent out and the search is on for the next Miss Teen Massachusetts- World. To any girl out there considering competing, I wish you the best of luck. Competing in pageantry has not only given me confidence and introduced me to an entire new life, family, and friends; but has shaped me in the person I am today. The people you meet and the experiences you witness are so unimaginable that you sometimes feel the need to pinch yourself to make sure it's really happening to you. Your dreams can come true, and along the way you help so many other peoples come true also. "A women who leads, is a women who serves." So take a chance to compete against the goal oriented, confident and beautiful girls in the state of Massachusetts, the United States, and if you really work 110%, the world. Dream big, because our dreams don't carry limitations, only possibilities.
Who do you think will be the next Miss Teen Massachusetts- World?
These next couple of months I will be taking advantage of my title and participating in as many appearances as possible to give Massachusetts one last glance of how happy I am to serve my duties. So expect some updates soon!
Until then, have a safe bundled up winter, and cheer's to the New Year!
Your Miss Teen Massachusetts- World
-Tamara Sacharczyk